How to Remove Anti-Gay Signs from Massachusetts Highway Overpasses
VoteOnMarriage "Let The People Vote" signs are popping up on Massachusetts Highways and have no right to be there!! So, when you see any of the infamous green and white "Let The People Vote" signs on public property, namely the bridge/overpasses on highways such as Route 128, 95 and 93, help us remove them. I have spoken with the Massachusetts Highway Department's Maintenance Operations and was told that "if" Mass. Highway has the time and manpower, they will remove these signs as "no signage should be placed on overpasses." I was also given the go ahead to remove the signs myself and KnowThyNeighbor is asking for your help. Important Note: Mass. Highway is broken down into Five Divisions. I called Division 4 which is Weston, Willmington etc. If you see signs in other parts of the state, call the specific division for your area. A link is provided on the Mass. Highway website)
Last week, KnowThyNeighbor sent out an email to Kris Mineau of VoteOnMarriage and the Mass. Family Institute which was copied to Governor Romney's office, MassEquality, MassResistance and various bloggers. Download VoteOnMarriageEmail.doc. The nature of our email spoke to the sensitive nature of overpass signage and that we should ALL understand that it is in no interest of either side of the marriage issue to draw attention to the "welcome the service men and women home" signs that predominate the bridges. I extended an olive branch, hoping that VoteOnMarriage would be decent enough to not put up its signs and leave the bridges to the families of returning soldiers. Not only are signs still going up but in today's Boston Globe, (Overpasses become activist's podiums) there was a front page article about the positive usage of bridges for getting one's point across (with emphasis on "anti" war signage) Hmm. Whom did I tip off? Romney's Press Secretary? Typical...
What you can do and NEED to do. If you see a "Let The People Vote" sign, either call the Mass Highway Department and ask for it to be removed, identify yourself and provide them with your phone number (the anti-gay activists constantly make "fake" phone calls so put your name to this) OR (and more preferable) REMOVE IT YOURSELF. Most of the signs are on the inside of the fence which means they can be safely removed. DO NOT cut down any signs hung on the outside of a bridge overpass as you may run the risk of them falling on traffic below and you would be liable and could seriously injure someone. Again, in any form of activism--SAFETY FIRST--think of yourself, but also others. I cannot emphasize that strongly enough. Take photos and send them to us. And applaud yourselves for your personal activism.
The men and women at Mass. Highway are not the bad guys here. They work hard and are most concerned for our safety which is why they do not allow signage on overpasses. We of course, look at signage on public property which promotes organizations and ballot questions that would take away our Equal Rights abhorent. In speaking with Joe Nuzzi at Mass. Highway, I explained that a GLBT person being forced to view VoteOnMarriage signage during his or her commute would be analogous to any other minority seeing some sort of derogatory signage on public property.
Massachusetts Highway Department ask for: Maintenance Operations
Division 1 Lenox/Berkshires Kevin Mahoney 413-637-5700
Division 2 Northampton/Springfield John Hillman 413-582-0599
Division 3 Worcester 508-754-7204
Division 4 Arlington/Route 128 Joe Nuzzi/Peter Collette 781-641-8300
Division 5 Taunton/South Shore/Cape Cod 508-880-6633
Tom Lang, Director
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