Hillary Clinton is Bad for Gays With Respect to The Defense Of Marriage Act, Same-Sex Marriage and Equal Rights, But You Wouldn't Know That From CNN's Website
If I meet one more LGBT who says to me, "Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are EXACTLY the same on Same-Sex Marriage" I think I will just lose it! Yes, Clinton and Obama are both against Same-Sex Marriage but "for" Civil Unions" but they are NOT the "same" on the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act or DOMA--that reprehensible, bigoted pro-active piece of legislation which was created to give our country permission for the social and political realm to segregate and demonize gay people. Barack Obama wants the FULL repeal of DOMA while Hillary Clinton only wants repeal of the "third part" of DOMA and has yet to acknowledge the fact that DOMA is a bad thing.
This distinction on the repeal of DOMA is a very important and crucial part of the same-sex marriage issue and should be included in CNN's breakdown of issues on its website. Every day when I watch CNN and the CNN internet journalist, Josh Levs, instruct viewers on how to navigate the CNN.com website for the self-acclaimed most "comprehensive" breakdown of candidates and the issues I now suspect that CNN may inadvertently be part of the problem of the confusion of gay and pro-equality voters on the issue of same-sex marriage. And how dangerous Hillary Clinton's views really are.
The Defense of Marriage Act or DOMA, signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996, was not only a maneuver to stop Federal Marriage Protection of same-sex couples (ie Federal Pensions, Immigration of Partners, Federal Tax benefits, Inheritance, just to name a few) but it was and still remains an assault on the very soul of gay people, our families and our children. To "Defend Marriage" from whom? From what? Answer, from those evil, immoral gays, that's whom! Hillary Clinton should know better. Shame on her!
Tom Lang, Director