Governor Easley calls Rocky "a pansy" compared to Hillary Clinton, gets laugh from North Carolina Audience and Hillary Clinton herself
NOT FUNNY, Governor Easley, and how dare you use that term in a political speech. But I guess it shows exactly how ignorant you and your audience are. Boy, do I feel sorry for North Carolina Democrats.
Gay men have been called "pansies" for decades. Along with faggots, fudgepackers, etc. And you know it.
Pansy, (pejorative, slang) A male homosexual, especially one who is effeminate as taken from Wiki and other dictionaries.
And how dare you Senator Clinton laugh when he used that term to gain your endorsement. Would you laugh if he had said that Rocky is a "pussy" compared to you? I think not.
On playgrounds, sports teams, and male-dominated or controlled situations especially where young children are competing, pejorative, anti-gay and homophobic slang are still somehow permitted to be used. But just remember Mrs. Clinton those same people that would use such terms to denegrate male children consider calling them "girls" almost as much if not more of an insult.
Tom Lang, Director
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