A Little Unclear on Scott Brown's Stances on LGBT Issues? Then Look No Further Than the "Brown Bigot Brigade," The Massachusetts Family Institute, for Reliable Coverage
You are not alone. Scott Brown has rejected all requests from Gay Journalists like Chuck Colbert to provide a statement on issues key to the Gay Community like DOMA, ENDA, "Don't Ask Don't Tell." I personally have tried to broker an interview with Brown's press man, Felix Browne (no relation) and after about 15 attempts, phone calls, emails, NOTHING! Scott Brown has even snubbed a questionnaire from the Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus leaving Arline Isaacson not 100% clear on Brown's stances.
Why is Scott Brown distancing himself from the gay issues? Scott himself will tell you that his stances are the same as Barack Obama's or John Kerry's. Scott will also tell you that "marriage equality is the law of the land" hmmm I have heard that before...John Kerry if memory is correct. But this smart little move from this very smart little man of keeping the "gay debate" out of the mainstream in this election is proving very effective. Brown would be set to lose moderates and progressive unerolleds if his true feeling about our issues were made part of this campaign. And of course in typical Dem fashion, Martha "I got this one in the bag" Coakley, won't debate our issues for fear that the "ick factor" may just cost her a vote or two. Well, Martha, welcome to the mirror of not standing up for what is right 100% of the time...without shame.
So, you want the "Real Scott Brown" ?? Same as Barack Obama or John Kerry? Answer this for yourself. See this link from the Brown Bigot Brigade, The Massachusetts Family Institute.
Duped again Massachusetts and to think, even with the smell of Mitt Romney's magical underwear still lingering on Beacon Hill...
Tom Lang, Co-Director
**Note, we thank Mike Capuano who ran Democrat in the primary and did include marriage equality in his television ads AND as a topic in his telephone town hall meetings.
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