The Names of Michael Cahillane, Candidate for Northwestern Massachusetts District Attorney, and Christine Cahillane, His Wife, Appear on the State Database at as Signers of the Massachusetts Anti-Gay Marriage Petition
A quick view of the website showing the 143,000 certified signers of the 2005 Petition which would have, if successful at ballot, retracted the marriages of over 12,000 couples and ended the Goodridge Decision in Massachusetts revealed the names of candidate for District Attorney, Michael Cahillane and his wife, Christine. which to date lists the names of close to 1 million signers of anti-gay petitions nationwide and was responsible for the Supreme Court Challenge of this strategy known as Doe vs. Reed in Washington State (June of 2010) intends to place on the internet the state databases of signers of all anti-gay petitions. Tom Lang,'s Co-Director, has seen his organization's effect in promoting the necessary conversations on the important topic of human rights in Massachusetts, Florida, Arkansas and Washington. "We know these conversations are happening and we know the impact they are having on LGBT Rights nationwide because of our strategy," says Lang.
The appearance of the name of a Candidate for District Attorney, Michael Cahillane, should open the conversation as to his opinion of LGBT citizens of the Commonwealth and whether or not LGBT people should have all the rights and protections afforded to heterosexual citizens. According to the Editor and Chief of the Daily Hampshire Gazette, Larry Parnass, the Cahillane people have known about this finding by district residents for "over two months" but have yet to provide an opinion to the press one way or another. reminds readers that there was fraud perpetrated by volunteers as well as the paid signature gatherers employed by them. But it is important to note that Cahillane being a lawyer and one who is running for District Attorney should most certainly be able to tell the press and the voters of the Northwestern District whether or not he (and his wife) were duped into signing, had their signatures stolen or if they signed this petition willingly and knowingly and whether he considers LGBT people as equal human beings. It should not be that difficult for Mr. Cahillane to provide a response.
The Northwestern District of Massachusetts consists of Hampshire County with such towns as Amherst, Northampton, South Hadley and Cummington; Franklin County with such towns as Charlemont, Conway, Gill, Northfield and Sunderland and Worcester County with the only town there of Athol.
Michael Cahillane's challenger is Dave Sullivan who was unable to be reached at this time though looks forward to his and Cahillane's responses. believes that LGBT people should know where they stand with a District Attorney as their lives may depend on it.
UPDATE: For Interviews of Massachusetts Northwest District Candidates for District Attorney, Michael Cahillane and Dave Sullivan see Hannah Clay Wareham's Extensive Report from BayWindows HERE
UPDATE Sept 14, 2010: Dave Sullivan Wins Primary Election for District Attorney Over Michael Cahillane see article here
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