In The Fight For Equality, Awareness Is Not Just A Challenge For the Straight World But It Essential For the Gay Community As Well
In The Fight For Equality, Awareness Is Not Just A Challenge For the Straight World But It Essential For the Gay Community As Well
May 16, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
You may remember in December 2008 when there were reports on an attack in New York City that left one brother dead from his skull being cracked open when it was hit with a baseball bat by one of two men who yelled racial and homophobic slurs prior to the attack. Somehow, a Brooklyn jury has found this to be neither a murder nor a hate crime. We have come so far in some ways, yet sadly we still have a long way to go. The saddest thing I see in this whole case is that these were brothers, not lovers, the fact that one was holding the other helping him stand as they walked home was the reason they were attacked. Our society is still so virulently anti-gay that not only can a crime like this be committed, it can still go unpunished.
By DEEPTI HAJELA (AP) – 17 hours ago
NEW YORK — A man who smashed a beer bottle over the head of an Ecuadorean immigrant was convicted Thursday of manslaughter, but a jury decided he did not commit a hate crime.
Hakim Scott faces 25 years in prison on the manslaughter charge when he is sentenced June 9. The state Supreme Court jury in Brooklyn acquitted him of murder and hate crime counts. A second jury was deliberating charges for his co-defendant, Keith Phoenix.
Scott faced steeper prison time had he been convicted of hate crimes in the death of Jose Sucuzhanay in December 2008.
"For Hakim Scott, this was never about hate or prejudice and that's exactly what the jury came back with," said his attorney Craig Newman. He believed there would be an appeal.
Prosecutors and the Sucuzhanay family did not comment. Jorge Lopez Amaya, Consul General of Ecuador, said he would wait to speak until the second verdict, but praised the work of the prosecutors.
Scott was accused of breaking the bottle over the head of Sucuzhanay as he walked arm-and-arm with his brother, Romel, on a cold night in Brooklyn. The brothers were returning home from a bar; Jose was drunk, and Romel was helping him walk.
Prosecutors said Scott, 26, and Phoenix, 30, mistook the brothers for gay men, and yelled anti-Hispanic and anti-gay slurs at them. Scott smashed the bottle over Jose Sucuzhanay's head and chased after Romel with the broken bottle, while Phoenix beat Sucuzhanay with an aluminum baseball bat so badly he cracked open his skull, prosecutors said. Sucuzhanay died several days later at a hospital.
Phoenix has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder, manslaughter and attempted assault, all as hate crimes. His jury began deliberations Thursday evening.
Scott's actions may not have resulted in the death of the man he attacked, but to say this wasn't about hate is such a travesty of justice it makes me glad my spouse has decided to pursue a degree in law. We need more people in positions of education and leadership in our society that can influence both public policy and opinion towards a more just outcome.
Written by John Hosty-Grinnell
May 07, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
A CALL TO ACTION: As Published in BayWindows
April 29, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
April 27, 2010 Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA
April 27, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tom Lang of KnowThyNeighbor Slams Charlie Baker, Massachusetts GOP Gubernatorial Nominee For His Anti-Transgender Rights Bill Sentiments In Press Conference at Republican Convention
April 19, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
April 13, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (12) | TrackBack (0)
On Thursday March 18, 2010 Lt. Dan Choi staged an uprising that seems to be gaining momentum by the moment. During the protest of DADT Lt. Choi chained himself to the White House lawn perimeter. Here's a video of his arrest:
Since Lt. Choi's arrest a series of uprisings have occurred, almost as if this was our own age's Stonewall. Nancy Pelosi's office was inundated with calls from all across the country fueled by a battle cry from our friends over on Pam's House Blend as well as many others. Choi wants us to support, but more importantly so does internationally known world famous GLBT activist Will Phillips:
My hat is off for Lt. Choi, but I bow to the courage of a ten year old boy who knows wrong when he sees it and has the care to try to do something about it. His actions remind me of words in the ulogy of the late Robert F. Kennedy:
"What it really all adds up to is love -- not love as it is described with such facility in popular magazines, but the kind of love that is affection and respect, order and encouragement, and support. Our awareness of this was an incalculable source of strength, and because real love is something unselfish and involves sacrifice and giving, we could not help but profit from it." And he continued, "Beneath it all, he has tried to engender a social conscience. There were wrongs which needed attention. There were people who were poor and needed help. And we have a responsibility to them and to this country. Through no virtues and accomplishments of our own, we have been fortunate enough to be born in the United States under the most comfortable conditions. We, therefore, have a responsibility to others who are less well off."
There is much work to be done if we are going to have equality in our time; all of our participation is critical to creating meaningful change. Put your wallets away and get out to any of the many events out there and be seen supporting your GLBT brothers and sisters. If a ten year old boy can do it so can you!
March 19, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Yes, That Is Right, Republican Gubernatorial Runner Christy Mihos Would Support Voting on the Rights of Massachusetts Greek Citizens To Justify His Pandering to Pro-Family Anti-Gay Activists for Votes in the 2010 Republican State Convention
A few months ago, made a personal phone call to Republican Christy Mihos and interviewed him on LGBT issues. My sudden interest in Christy came from my observation that many of Massachusettts Anti-Gay Republican Activists seemed to be "friends" of his on Facebook or in the GOP rumormill now declaring support. These include Sandi Martinez, Peter Porcupine (GOP Sock Puppet Blogger/State Committee Woman), Aaron Margolis, Bob Hargraves, etc.
When I pointed this out to Christy Mihos and asked him if he supports "Gay Marriage" his answer to me was, "Let me say first off, the 'Courts Got It Right!" Taken a bit aback I went silent in the interview, to which Mihos returned the question, "Don't you think the courst got it right?" My answer was "of course, but I am concerned why all these anti-gay people seem to be rooting for you and not Baker/Tisei?" His answer, "Because I feel that this should be voted on (meaning same-sex marriage)." "Everything should be allowed to be voted on."
Mihos, then went on to say, "I would even support a measure that would allow the people of Massachusetts to vote of the rights of ' Five Foot Eight Greek Guys..." One thing about Christy, he is one of the few people that can make me speechless. I paused and said, "Well Christy, I for one would be one of those standing up and yelling from the top of my lungs that we should not vote on the rights of 'Five Foot Eight Greek Guys' -- just as we should not vote on anyone's rights." To which Mihos responded, "yeah I (meaning Mihos and his Greek reference) am probably protected in the Constitution..."
"Yes, Christy, the conversation by those already inside Equality is different than those who are outside of it," I said, and my interview with Christy Mihos ended.
Conclusion, during the 2006 Gubernatorial Race Christy Mihos produced a funny commercial showing charactures of Kerry Healey and Mitt Romney sticking their heads up their asses. I suggest that on the subject of Equality, Mr. Mihos portray himself as a "man speaking out both sides of his own ass."
Tom Lang,
Director of KnowThyNeighbor
February 27, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
New Hampshire state Rep. Nancy Elliot (R) of Merrimack begins her tirade against the GLBT community by saying that she doesn't understand anal sex between two men, showing her disgust visibly on her face; ignorantly implying that anal sex is exclusive to the gay community:
"We heard in the hearing one of the people who came to testify, and they said that this was not normal, and I had to think about that for a while, you know, what are we talking about, and I started thinking, and we're talking about taking the penis of one man and putting it into the rectum of another man and wiggling it around in excrement, and I have to think, I'm not sure, would I allow that to be done to me? All of us... (inaudible for a split second) would you let that happen to you? Is that normal? Is that something, umm, that we want to portray as the same as the one flesh union between a man and a woman? I don't know, umm, then I start to think I remember when we were having the testimony people were saying that, umm, it was brought up that this would be brought into the schools and we were told 'oh no-no, that won't happen',"
She then claims that a parent called her; here's what she said:
"I heard yesterday from the mother of a fifth grader that they were given as part of their classroom instruction naked pictures of two men showing a presentation of anal sex."
She is at this point interrupted and told to keep her comments relative to the bill at hand; one meant to strip the newly obtained equality in marriage, but she insists:
"This is directly about the bill, because we now have made a marriage of same sex they are now teaching it in the public schools. They are showing our fifth graders how they can perform this kind of sex, and they are condoning, they are saying this is normal and this is something that you may want to try. This is the context of the lesson, this is something that you as a fifth grader may want to try. I see it as a real problem in our society, I see it as an affront to our citizens that their children are subjected to this, so I think it is important that we revisit what we did. We made a mistake and we should repeal it."
For the rest of the meeting you should watch the YouTube video above, but I warn you the ignorance doesn't end with her.In a surprising turn Alderman Diane Sheehan called out Elliot's wild story and gave her 48 hours to either give the name of the parent who supplied this erroneous information against the Nashua school systems to the police, or offer an apology for giving a false statement.
"If neither of those two actions take place in the next 48 hours, I will begin exploring action to prosecute for false statement, and your removal from office," Sheehan wrote.
Rep. Elliot has chosen to give a "cover her own ass" statement that offers no apology for the inaccuracy of her statement, leaving me to wonder if she didn't fabricate it all on her own. If her story were true and someone had contacted her she shirked her responsibility to confirm this information before serving it to her peers as fact. From the Nashua Telegraph:
“I would like to apologize to the Judiciary Committee, the Nashua public schools and its employees and the speaker as well as anyone else affected by what I said,’’ Elliott said, reading from a prepared statement at the beginning of a House Judiciary Committee meeting. “I will try much harder in the future to verify fully my statement.”
Despite the apology, Elliott maintained she believed what she said was true at the time.
Many thanks should go to Alderman Sheehan, not for being GLBT friendly, but for being fair. It's nice to see that at least SOME of the untruths are being called out and found out by the mainstream moderate middle. Is it enough, or is it too little too late? Are we as a community doing enough to stand up and protect ourselves from having our relationships reduced to a simple sex act in the eyes of the public?
Special thanks to Lurleen at Pam's House Blend for reporting on this story. Let's just hope that the good people of Merrimack decide to reward Rep. Elliot's actions with a civilian life.
February 17, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
A Little Unclear on Scott Brown's Stances on LGBT Issues? Then Look No Further Than the "Brown Bigot Brigade," The Massachusetts Family Institute, for Reliable Coverage
You are not alone. Scott Brown has rejected all requests from Gay Journalists like Chuck Colbert to provide a statement on issues key to the Gay Community like DOMA, ENDA, "Don't Ask Don't Tell." I personally have tried to broker an interview with Brown's press man, Felix Browne (no relation) and after about 15 attempts, phone calls, emails, NOTHING! Scott Brown has even snubbed a questionnaire from the Massachusetts Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus leaving Arline Isaacson not 100% clear on Brown's stances.
Why is Scott Brown distancing himself from the gay issues? Scott himself will tell you that his stances are the same as Barack Obama's or John Kerry's. Scott will also tell you that "marriage equality is the law of the land" hmmm I have heard that before...John Kerry if memory is correct. But this smart little move from this very smart little man of keeping the "gay debate" out of the mainstream in this election is proving very effective. Brown would be set to lose moderates and progressive unerolleds if his true feeling about our issues were made part of this campaign. And of course in typical Dem fashion, Martha "I got this one in the bag" Coakley, won't debate our issues for fear that the "ick factor" may just cost her a vote or two. Well, Martha, welcome to the mirror of not standing up for what is right 100% of the time...without shame.
So, you want the "Real Scott Brown" ?? Same as Barack Obama or John Kerry? Answer this for yourself. See this link from the Brown Bigot Brigade, The Massachusetts Family Institute.
Duped again Massachusetts and to think, even with the smell of Mitt Romney's magical underwear still lingering on Beacon Hill...
Tom Lang, Co-Director
**Note, we thank Mike Capuano who ran Democrat in the primary and did include marriage equality in his television ads AND as a topic in his telephone town hall meetings.
January 16, 2010 | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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